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Luigi’s Pizza Parlour

Luigi runs the 360 pizza parlour. He was born in England but was taught how to make the best Pizzas by his Italian Nonna (that’s grandma in Italian).

He visits his Nonna every year and she taught him how to make the best Italian pizzas and the best pasta dishes.

Nonna lives in Sorrento. Luigi has to fly into Naples airport to get there and then drive for a while.


Pizzas are a very important part of Italian life.

Italians eat pizza on Saturday or Sunday evenings, after doing sports or watching a game with friends or to celebrate a birthday.


How do we make a pizza?
First of all we have to make a dough so that we can make the pizza base. We need flour, oil, yeast, water and a tiny bit of salt.

When we have mixed all the ingredients we have to wait for the dough to rise, a little bit like bread.


Then we roll the dough out to make a circle.
It’s now ready to add the sauce and all the toppings.


Look at all the different types of pizzas there are.


What toppings would you put on yours?


Luigi’s son loves them all but his favourite is with peppers on.


How much pizza would you choose to eat?


Nonna also taught Luigi to make pasta. There are many different shapes of pasta but the recipe is the same just eggs and flour.

Fresh pasta is differently to the dry pasta we buy from the supermarket.

What’s your favourite type of pasta?
Luigis daughter likes Ravioli as its stuffed with lots of exciting flavours.


You can use a special machine for making your pasta very thin before you make it into shapes.


When Nonna visits she teaches the children to bake.


And sometimes Luigi’s wife holds lessons on how to make pizza for the local school and the children have the pizzas for lunch.


Nonna has to travel 1,047 miles from Sorrento in Italy to Luton airport in England when she comes to visit Luigi. She flys on an aeroplane.

There are other forms of transport Nonna could use but they take longer. She could travel by train or car.

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